Denver Pavilions
Denver Pavilions is an outdoor shopping center with over 40 shops, restaurants and entertainment venues, located in Downtown Denver, just off of the 16th Street Mall. It is configured as an ‘in-y’, and has struggled with store assortment awareness and foot traffic. Our challenge was that tens of thousands of people walk or ride by this location on the shuttle, and can’t see into the center to view all the storefronts. It is also often perceived as an entertainment venue more than a shopping venue.
First, we had to build awareness of the stores located in the Denver Pavilions and teach the passersby to think of the Center as a shopping option when they were downtown. Then, to reach downtown residents, convention goers, and downtown workers, we had to create strategies that pulled shoppers in, kept them there, and reminded them to come back. We had to rebuild their marketing tools to better message retail in balance with dining and entertainment options. We reworked their branding, website, environmental graphics, collateral, onsite signage and directories, holiday décor, events, and advertisements, and developed a concierge program to help spread the message.

Website – we worked with our team to design and program a new website, refreshing the brand execution and messaging our brand pillars more effectively, sample ‘shop’ page

Website – we worked with our team to design and program a new website, refreshing the brand execution and messaging our brand pillars more effectively, sample ‘dine’ page

Display Units – we designed and manufactured these Style Cubes as a way to support retail and to message that you could buy a whole outfit at Denver Pavilions, addressing consumers lack of offer awareness. These were installed near the 16th Street Mall and have provided huge sales results for the items featured as an additional benefit.

Display Units – concepting the Style Cubes – concepted, designed and manufactured these outdoor display cases for the center.

Collateral – Denver Pavilions shopping coupons booklet, created primarily for convention-goers, cover

Collateral – Denver Pavilions shopping coupons booklet, created primarily for convention-goers, inside page

Collateral – eight-panel property brochure with the new branding work — changed seasonally, cover

Collateral – eight-panel property brochure with the new branding work — changed seasonally, foldout out view.

Collateral – 3in. x 3in. info cards, distributed to the area hotel concierges, highlighted a website page with the week’s specials, for the tourist and conventioneer markets

Signage – giant custom shopping bags which we designed and manufactured, as movable signage, to build awareness about the merchants in the center (many invisible to the traffic on the 16th St. Mall). These have become a “to do” photo op for downtown visitors

Wayfinding Signage – an alternative method for wayfinding, during construction, to let people know how to get to the second level

Gift Items – we made gift bags out of the construction banners which hung during the major renovation and gave them out with coupons during the Grand Re-Opening Celebration

Branding – Logo development for a program we created, The Happy-est Hour, a weekly shopping, dining, and entertainment promotion designed to create weekly patterns to stay downtown to shop and dine — one-stop fun

Branding – brand standards for The Happy-est Hour

Brand Execution – sample brand execution for our program, The Happy-est Hour, website application and collateral

Holiday Decor – we worked on the design and production of a new holiday decor package which has been utilized for several years